Value Curve Canvas

Using the Value Curve Canvas you can determine the critical product or service features for the value proposition which allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition or to create a new market (“Blue Ocean”). The prioritization tool supports you in reducing or eliminating the irrelevant factors and to raise or create the relevant factors.

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What Is the Value Curve Canvas?

The Value Curve Canvas visualizes the strengths and weaknesses of different value propositions (see also respective canvas) regarding a certain product or service feature (so-called “factors”). It allows for prioritizing of factors and hence leads to more efficient and effective product development. To focus on the critical factors you can choose from four measures:

  1. Eliminate: Over time certain factors do not play anymore any role because of changing customer needs or your product targets a new audience which is not interested in these factors.
  2. Reduce: Other factors might be still relevant but not (anymore) decisive when it comes to a buying decision. Hence these factors can be developed to a lower extend.
  3. Raise: Vice versa the decisive factors should be strengthened or …
  4. Create: … factors should be considered which products of the competition do not yet offer.

The Value Curve Canvas is available for free under a Creative Commons license: you may use and modify the canvas as long as you cite Datentreiber in particular as the source.

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We drive your business forward.
We drive your business forward.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Here you can find further documentation:

Instructions manual (Stattys)
Data Thinker Group (LinkedIn)

The Value Curve Canvas’ concept originates from the book “Blue Ocean Strategy”,

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Cross References

Canvas Übersicht

Here you can find further canvas and information concerning Data Strategy Design:

License Terms

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the canvas in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the canvas
for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:

Read more about the license

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