Value Chain Canvas

Using the Value Chain Canvas you can analyze the production, logistics, marketing and sales processes of your company, your customers or your industry. It helps you for example to identify new customers, products or data suppliers or to structure your processes and optimize them.

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What Is the Value Chain Canvas?

The Value Chain Canvas is an analysis tool that allows, for example, to optimize your business model or to discover new customers and potential new products. Using the canvas you identify the relevant stakeholders which contribute in a certain industry, segment, or process to the creation of value:

  • Producers: who is providing the base products for the value chain?
  • Organizational units: which subcontractors, sister companies, or departments are conducting activities to convert the base products to the final products, to market, sell or deliver them?
  • Customers: who are the consumers respectively the buyers of these final products?
  • Suppliers: which further companies supply raw materials, tools, machines, packaging, services etc. ?
  • Intermediaries: are there any intermediaries, marketplaces or agencies which take over marketing, sales and / or the distribution?

The Value Chain Canvas is available for free under a Creative Commons license: you may use and modify the canvas as long as you cite Datentreiber in particular as the source.

We drive your business forward.

We drive your business forward.
We drive your business forward.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Here you can find further documentation:

Data Thinker-Group (LinkedIn)

You can find an introduction to the value chain’s concept in Wikipedia: Value Chain.

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How Can I Start?


Get to know our Data Strategy Design Method in our practical seminars:

Cross References

Canvas Übersicht

Here you can find further canvas and information concerning Data Strategy Design:

License Terms

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the canvas in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the canvas
for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:

Read more about the license

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General Terms and Conditions of Business

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