Stakeholder Analysis Canvas

Using the Stakeholder Analysis Canvas you can identify which people or roles in a company are relevant for an important decision: for example for issuing an order or the approval of a project. The analysis tool helps to differentiate between users, buyers and decision-makers.

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What Is the Stakeholder Analysis Canvas?

The Stakeholder Analysis Canvas is a visual analysis tool and complements the Business Model and the Value Proposition Canvas. It helps you to answer the question of who is the user, the buyer, or the decision-maker with regard to a value proposition (a product, service, or project). It empowers you to shape your value proposition accordingly. Doing so the canvas differentiates between the following roles:

  1. End User: who is using your product or service and benefits from it?
  2. Economic Buyer: who pays you for this or is providing the budget respectively?
  3. Decision Maker: who is deciding regarding the purchase respectively the assignment?
  4. Influencer: who is positive concerning the undertaking and is also communicating so towards the users, buyers and decision makers?
  5. Saboteur: who on the other side has a rather negative attitude and tries to sabotage the undertaking?
  6. Recommender: who consults or informs the users, buyers or decision makers?

The Stakeholder Analysis Canvas is available for free under a Creative Commons license: you may use and modify the canvas as long as you cite Datentreiber in particular as the source.

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We drive your business forward.
We drive your business forward.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Here you find further documentation:

Data Thinker Group (LinkedIn)

The Stakeholder Analysis Canvas is inspired by the reading of the “Business Model Generation” book.

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How Can I Start?


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Cross References

Canvas Übersicht

Here you can find further canvas and information concerning Data Strategy Design:

License Terms

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the canvas in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the canvas
for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:

Read more about the license

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