Customer Touchpoints Canvas

Using the Customer Touchpoints Canvas you can identify the relevant touchpoints with your customers and analyze the potential customer processes. This visualization tool helps you to conceptualize successful customer journeys as well as to gauge the customer paths and to optimize them.

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What Is the Customer Touchpoints Canvas?

The Customer Touchpoints Canvas builds the foundation for successful data-driven marketing by helping you to understand your marketing and sales activities from the customers’ point of view and to improve them. For doing so the template divides the customer journey into five phases:

  1. Acquisition: through which channels and throughout which campaigns do we create attention for our brands?
  2. Activation: at which customer touchpoints and with which offers do we convince the prospective buyers of our products and services?
  3. Revenue: which are the relevant sales channels through which our customers acquire our products and services?
  4. Retention: how do we establish a long-term relation to the prospective buyers and customers?
  5. Referral: which possibilities and means do we offer prospective buyers and customers to share our offers with their contacts?

The Customer Touchpoints Canvas is available for free under a Creative Commons license: you may use and modify the canvas as long as you cite Datentreiber in particular as the source.

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We drive your business forward.
We drive your business forward.

Where Can I Find More Information?

The presentation referred to beside introduces you to the Data Strategy Design method and Customer Touchpoints Canvas by means of an example project.

Here you can find further documentation:

Messen Sie was zählt wo es zählt (Blog)
Mit Design Thinking zur erfolgreichen Customer Journey (SlidesLive: Folien & Video)
Design Thinking zur Optimierung der Customer Journey (SlideShare)
Instructions manual (Stattys)
Data Thinker Group (LinkedIn)

The Customer Touchpoints Canvas is geared to the AARRR-Modell – also called “Pirate Model”. The following SlideShare presentation provides an introduction to it: Startup Metrics for Pirates.

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How Can I Start?


Get to know our Data Strategy Design Method in our practical seminars:

Cross References

Canvas Übersicht

Here you can find further canvas and information concerning Data Strategy Design:

License Terms

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the canvas in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the canvas
for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:

Read more about the license

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